Sunday, February 13, 2011


This is what happens when you misjudge just how deep a snow bank is. Your tires start spinning, the engine steams a little bit, and you completely bottom out in the snow.

And this is what it looks like after you've gotten the whole thing dug out.

Connie was thoroughly amused (at least that's what I gathered from the hysterical laughter coming from my phone when I called to tell her about it...) at our predicament.

So was I, when she very nearly did the same thing at evening feeding.


Ever wonder what it's like to have to feed forty horses at twenty below?

It's a little something like this.

Thermals, tall socks, two pairs of jeans, tank top, long sleeve, short sleeve, two sweatshirts, silk scarf, double thick fleece scarf, beanie, two hoods, insulated gloves and boots (both with hand and foot warmers in them as well) and a pair of uber-insulated Carhartt bibs. With all those layers, it felt pretty nice out, really.

This twenty-below weather happened about two weeks ago. Yesterday, I went out and fed in a pair of jeans and long-sleeved shirt. Montana weather is ridiculously fickle.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I'll get some more pics up. Or a video. We've got this fantastic idea that includes duct-taping a camera to my hat so that everyone can watch as we feed fields and all that jazz. We actually tried it today (ask Connie for a picture of the get-up), but I pressed the record button one too many times and accidentally turned the thing off before we even got going. I was more than a little peeved when I found that out. We'll be trying again tomorrow or Thursday. We also want to try one with the camera attatched to a helmet as someone rides. It'd be pretty cool to go over some jumps, even if you (like me) haven't even gotten close to jumping. I do, however, leap tall buildings in a single bound, so that makes up for it, right? I thought so.

I smell like Pickle Barrel. Thought you might want to know that. While Connie was off galivanting at Swing class tonight, I was making sandwiches. Eew. Very little of what we offer there even looks like food any more. I think it's time for a new job. The hunt is gonna start pretty soon. Any suggestions?

Here's one pic, anyway. We can call this the first horsey profile for's the only one that I can do without Connie's help, because pretty much only *she* knows most of her horses' stories. Soo...

Name: Cadence (Cady for short)
Age: 4-5ish
Breed: Quarter Horse (we think...she doesn't actually have papers or anything)
Color: Bay
Markings: None
Her Story: Connie went with me to look at her at a place in Manhattan back in October. I wasn't even thinking about buying a horse at the time because of my financial situation, which was incredibly lacking. But the Craigslist ad (yeah, Craigslist. Wierd, right?) listed her for only $250, so I decided to check it out. I'm glad we got her out of there, if only because we found at least ten nails laying on the ground while we were there. She was not a happy camper. Now, she's turning into Birdie (see pics in the previous post) in that she follows everyone and waits at the gate whenever she sees someone who might be carrying a treat. I blame this entirely on myself. I resorted to bribery while trying to catch her for the first time after she had been put out in the pasture. She's incredibly fond of horsey treats and will spend quite a bit of time licking hands just to make certain there isn't one there. Then she goes after pockets. So the bad news is that I've succesfully spoiled my horse. The good news is that I can catch her now, with relative ease.
Special Talents: She currently has none. Actually, she's learning how to Stay. But as we don't know how much training she's had, we're starting at the beginning. So, any talents she may have haven't shown up yet. I'll get back to you on that.




Hello, welcome to Epona Blog...My first time doing this so please be patient...Beautiful day out today,it snowed about an inch or so last night. Went to dance last night, LOVE me a good Waltz! Didn't get home till a little late so got a bit of a late start this morning, but got everything (all the feeding and cleaning) done in fairly good time...Kara is a great hand! she even showed me how to get this thing going on..she actually started ti for me last week...All right gotta go back out to work, going to try to get a horse or two ridden today... Connie

Friday, January 14, 2011

Welcome to Eponaland!

So...this is Kara, setting up a blog for Connie and all those Epona-goers who'd like to share the goings on around here...there's definitely plenty of them! We had a super lazy morning today...didn't get finished with feeding until pretty close to 10:30. Of course, it didn't help that I was riding along on the back of the ATV taking pictures of everything for you all to look at instead of concentrating on throwing hay, like I really should have been. It was nice being slow for a while, though. Today was supposed to be my very last day of high school, but I decided to skip it for the sake of skipping, so I'm here instead. Best choice I've ever made lol. And considering it's 45 degrees out there (!!!!), well that just makes it even cooler.

Anyway, I'm thinking it would be kinda cool to have a horsey profile up here every week or so. So for the time being, I'm going to head out to take some more pictures to have on hand for the first biographies. As soon as Connie wakes up (this is seriously the first time I've *ever* seen her take a nap), I'll get a story up for you!

I was going to post some pics from this morning, but no was a full ten minutes of "loading" before I just closed up the window and gave up. Maybe next time.
See ya for now =)